7 Σεπ 2008


Ενα κείμενο άκρως δυσφημιστικό για το Φαληράκι δημοσίευσε σήμερα η αγγλική εφημερίδα NEWS OF THE WORLD κάνοντας λόγο για βιασμό 11 αγγλίδων το φετινό καλοκαίρι. Το θέμα είναι πως μπορεί να αντιδράσει η δημοτική αρχή για να αντιστραφεί το αρνητικό κλίμα που εξακολουθούν να καλλιεργούν κυρίως τα αγγλικά ΜΜΕ.
Πάντως η αστυνομία διαψεύδει τους 11 βιασμούς και κάνει λόγο για καταγγελίες που δεν επιβεβαιώνονται.
Το ρεπορτάζ βρίσκεται στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση: http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/news/article22518.ece

4 hours later I was raped
Victim tells how she is 11th Brit girl attacked in Faliraki this summer

THE pretty blonde girl on the left is smiling and having the time of her life in this innocent holiday snap.

But just four hours after it was taken—the day before her 21st birthday—Joan Jackson was brutally RAPED.

The vile assault on a sun-drenched Greek holiday with her closest friends made her the 11TH British rape victim in notorious Faliraki THIS SUMMER.

Today Joan is bravely waiving her anonymity in a bid to stop another girl becoming victim No12 in the epidemic of sex attacks sweeping the popular holiday resort.

She said last night: “I burst into tears every time I look at my pictures because I know shortly afterwards I walked into a nightmare.”

“I was scared to death. I didn’t know if I’d get out of his car alive.”

Joan, of Enfield, north London, was three days into her £500 two-week break in Rhodes. She and her pals chose the popular Liquid club for her birthday, celebrating with sambuca, vodka and cocktails as they danced.

The club was so busy the girls got split up. It was at 4am that Joan made her fateful decision to return to their apartment alone.

She recalled: “I was crying because I didn’t know how to get home and my feet were hurting so I took my shoes off.”

Within seconds a Greek man in his twenties pulled up in a yellow Fiat Punto and offered Joan a lift.

She said: “He seemed friendly and nice and told me he knew where I was staying. But I was wrong to trust him. I realised something was dreadfully wrong when he parked up on a deserted slip road.

“He forced himself on me. I told him No and to leave me alone but he didn’t. His hands were all over me. It was disgusting. I heard people walking past through the open window and I tried to scream but nothing came out. Then he closed the windows and I knew I’d have no chance of being heard.”

As the man resumed his assault, battling Joan struggled free and jumped into the back seat, hoping to escape through a rear exit.

Then she made the terrifying discovery the car was a two-door.

She said: “He climbed into the back. I kept saying No but he just said ‘shhh’ as his hands mauled me. He was speaking in Greek and English and kept telling me it would be okay.

“I tried to scratch him with my fake nails and kick him off me. One time as I pushed with both of my legs he pulled off my shorts.”

Petite Joan—just 5ft 1in and 7st—was no match for her attacker.

She sighed: “I was crying my eyes out because I knew I wasn’t strong enough to fight him. Eventually I just gave up. He had his full body weight on top of me.

“I’ll never forget the smell of him—it was like onions. It was a pungent body odour that engulfed me. I was physically repulsed.”

After ten agonising minutes Joan managed to slip free, grabbing her shorts as she ran away. She was found by two British girls who helped her to the police station.

She was quizzed by four male cops for two hours before being taken around the town to try to identify the Punto. When the search failed they took her to hospital for a medical examination.

Joan, a store worker, said: “When they dropped me at my apartment they said they would keep looking and bring people in for me to ID. But they didn’t.”

The only man Joan was asked to face came from her own trawl of the streets of Faliraki.

She spotted a Punto identical to the one used by the rapist and told the police. But when they brought him in she could not confirm 100 per cent he was her attacker.

Incredibly, the cops refused to search the car.

Joan said: “I’d been wearing crocodile hair-clips that night and lost them when I was being raped. I knew they’d still be in the car because they’re so small. But the police said unless I was sure he was the attacker they wouldn’t do it.

“Once they knew I was blaming a local man they didn’t seem to care. It was like they were looking after their own.”

Police sources confirmed there have been 11 rapes of British girls in Faliraki this year alone, nearly all late at night by local men.

One source told us: “This is just the tip of the iceberg.

“A lot of victims don’t do anything about it because they are going home or have no faith in the attacker being caught.”

In a warning to other girls, Joan said: “I feel that because I was British and had had a few drinks the police presumed I’d brought the attack on myself.

“But rape is rape. I need justice.”


Κοντά στην κατήκτηση του σέβεν σάιντ έφτασε σήμερα το απόγευμα ο Ερμής Καλυθιών. Στην τελική φάση που έγινε στο γήπεδο Μαριτσών ο Ερμής νίκησε 1-0 στον ημιτελικό τον Ηρακλή Μαριτσών με γκολ του Παναγιώτη Ηλία (ψηλοκρεμαστό σουτ από πλάγια θέση) και προκρίθηκε στον τελικό.
Εκεί αναδείχθηκε ισόπαλος 0-0 με την Αναγγέννηση Ρόδου, αλλά δυστυχώς ηττήθηκε 2-1 στα κόρνερ. Μάλιστα στο τελευταίο λεπτό σουτ του Κυριάκου Χατζηγεωργίου αποκρούστηκε ασταθώς από τον αντίπαλο τερματοφύλακα και λίγο έλειψε η μπάλα να καταλήξει κόρνερ κάτι που θα σήμαινε κούπα για τον Ερμή.
Η ομάδα μας κέρδισε τις εντυπώσεις και στάθηκε άτυχη αφού έπαιξε στον Β' ημιτελικό με αποτέλεσμα να είναι κουρασμένη στον τελικό.
Ο προπονητής Στάθης Φαρμακίδης χρησιμοποίησε τους Καραγιάννη (τερματοφύλακας), Κίτσος, Ζωάννου, Χατζηγεωργίου, Ηλίας, Μαχαιρίδης, Μανέττας, Μακρυδημήτρης, Στ. Σταυρής και Πολυχρόνης.


Ολοκληρώθηκε η καταγραφή των ζημιών που προκάλεσε η κακοκαιρία Bora στην Τοπική Ενότητα Καλυθιών και οργανώθηκε η αποστολή προτάσεων για απα...