5 Ιουλ 2008


Δεν είναι πολύ Καλυθενό το παρακάτω, αλλά επειδή είμαστε όλοι Ροδίτες αξίζει να το διαβάσετε (το βρήκα στο facebook):

You are from Rodos if :
People ask you if you are from Cyprus,
When they find out you birthplace they remember their 5day school trip,
People don’t understand if you talk or sing,
If your Alfabet has 23 letters because "delta" "en exei"
You have one or more cousins called Tsambikos,
Even more if you are called Tsambikos,
Your friends call you tsambikos despite the fact that it is not your name but just to tease you,
Take a brake from the beach to go to work during the summer,
By the end of the summer you look like a negro (with blond hair),
You go on vacation in Sweden and you find an x summer love,
A 20year old Swedish girl comes and says that you have “hi” from her mom,
You have studied molecular biology and you work at dad’s hotel.
You live by the sea but haven't been in the sea for years(if your work is seasonally)
You take it as granted that it's sunny 300 days a year!
Ιf you don't go anywhere else for summer vacations
If your friends keep telling you that they are thinking of coming to Rhodes for summer holidays (and nobody does!),
If you know the meaning of the words "pakkos" , "kouna", "xloros","kanotiera","kavaleto", ''mpanino'' , ''parafago'' etc.,
If u can cook "giaprakia", "lopia", "vazania" etc,If you keep a box of eggs for over a year, (the smellier the better) so you can throw them at people (from another school mostely) in the holly day of tsiknopempth...,
If people is keep asking you where does "Idou h Rodos Idou kai to Phdhma" comes from,
If you have tried at least once to make "karpidi" at Elli's tambulino and then have a shower with a "markoutso",
If your snack at work is a "panino",If you are dressed up "kamouzela" in "Apokries" time,
If you buy a 50cc little bike and a week after it can go as fast as 150 km/h and over

1 σχόλιο:

tassos είπε...

καλή , πολύ καλή η έκδοση για τους Ροδίτες!


Ολοκληρώθηκε η καταγραφή των ζημιών που προκάλεσε η κακοκαιρία Bora στην Τοπική Ενότητα Καλυθιών και οργανώθηκε η αποστολή προτάσεων για απα...